Using the UI
To get started, head to Login with the method of your choice.
We support login using OAuth 2.0 (Google, Github, Microsoft) and Email.
You should now see our welcome screen.
To get to extraction, click "Extraction (beta)" in the sidebar.
You will now see your created schemas.
To create a new schema, click "Create new schema".
Start creating a schema by uploading one or more files (up to 5) to infer the schema from them.
Drag and drop some files into the grey box to get started, then click "Next":
You'll be shown the schema generated alongside a visualization.
You can then edit the schema to your liking
The visualization will keep up with your edits.
Once you're happy with your schema, click "Save and Extract" to see the results of the extraction.
Next steps​
The web UI streamlines testing your extraction and editing your schema. Once you're happy with a schema, you can do bulk extraction via the Python client.